Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Inhale Deep.

Sometimes when I write, I'm wrapped up in my feelings.
Sometimes I write just to feel.
But in my head it doesn't seem this real.
How have I gone this far? -as if I don't know.
My feelings are concealed and very few people will ever see them shown.
Because I can never let them see me while I'm down- they'll kick me even harder.
So I ask for them to stop.
Which in turn only sparks a fire of derogative excuses
Jokingly saying that I'll never tighten the nooses.
"Of course he'll never kill himself."
As a transcendental idealist, I can only will myself.
Instead of seeking my plot of revenge, I reach deep
Trying to show love for others because I know how it feels to be unloved.
I catch myself respecting my peers because often I'm disrespected.
I seek to shed the negativity so the positive layer can shine.
See, you have to know the bottom in order to see eye to eye.
Continue to have interactions with minds whose third eye is blind.
They too must learn. I was there once. So were you.
Just inhale deep... Then move on.
The Spirit will show me the correct path.
There I find peace. In essence I find me.

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