It was a curling smile that seemed so innocent.
A smile that seemed full of joy but it was hiding a burden of sorrows.
What was the point of smiling?
It was a mask, one that was waiting to be stripped off.
A mask that holds itself on so tight you need the jaws of life to pry it free.
So capable of prying it free yet it remains on that face.
A shadow of pain that yearns to see the light of day,
But the skin never tastes the beauty of the suns rays.
Eyes held high in hopes of a brighter tomorrow.
Those eyes fill with oceans of hope.
Oceans that spill over and race down to meet the earth with a welcoming explosion
I thought the oceans had dried out a long time ago,
But they continue to overflow.
Everything was becoming a blur.
Where one object should've ended it flowed to the next.
The tears were beginning to burn.
Sick of seeing someone so sad,
I clenched my fist and threw it at the sadness.
Shattering it to a million pieces.
I could no longer make out that innocent smile that was hiding so much.
I liked staring into that broken mirror.
It's imperfections reflected my imperfections.
That smiled returned,
But this time it was full of satisfaction.
The sadness was gone,
Or was it back under that menacing mask?
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